SAP Tables
SAP Tables – In the ABAP Dictionary, the term database table refers to the database-independent definition of a table in the SAP system. SQL can be used to access database tables defined in the ABAP Dictionary. The name of a database table is a maximum of 16 digits. It can consist of letters, numbers, and underscores. The name must begin with a letter. It can be initiated by a namespace prefix (/…/) of a prefix namespace.
Tables Material
Each table contains the following information:
- MARA General Material Data
- MAKT short texts
- MARM Conversion Factors
- MVKE sales data (per sales organization and vertricbs weg)
- MLAN Sales Data (per country)
- MARC factory data
- MBEW Valuation Data
- MLGN LVS Inventory Data
- MLGT LVS Storage Type Data
- MVER Consumption Data
- MAPR Pointer to Forecast Data
- MARD Location Data
- MCHA Batches
- MCHB Batch Stocks
Tables BOM
Each table contains the following data:
- MAST Assignment Material to BOM
- EQST Assignment Equipment to BOM
- KDST Assignment Sales Order to BOM
- DOST Assignment Document to BOM
- STST Assignment Standard Object to BOM
- TPST Assignment Technical Place to BOM
- STKO BOM header data
- STZU Time-independent STL data
- STAS Sücklist Position Selection
- STPO BOM position data
- STPU BOM subheading data
Table Routing
The individual tables contain the following data
- MAPL Assignment Plan to Material
- EAPL Assignment Plan to Equipment (Maintenance)
- PLKO Plan header data
- PLFL Plan Sequence
- PLAS Assignment Plan Transaction to Plantolge
- PLPO Plan task/plan subtask (-element)
- PLFH Manufacturing Aids
- PLMZ Assignment BOM component to plan operation
- PLAB Arrangement Relationships (Standard Network)
- PLMK Call Characteristics (Test Plans)
- PLMW Call Characteristic Values (Test Plane)
- MLST Milestones / Event Points
- MLTX Milestone Texts
- PLFT Process Presetrs
- PLFV Process default characteristics/sub-operation characteristics
- PLPH Phases/Sub-Operations
- PLWP Task Package
- PLTX Intotexts
Production Order Management Tables
Each table contains the following data:
- PLAF Planned Order
- CRHD Workplaces
- KAKO Capacities
- KBED Capacity requirements
- COSP Primary Costs
- COSS Secondary Costs
- COSL Services
- COBRA Billing Object
- COBRB Settlement Object
- AUFK Order header
- AFKO Order Header
- AFPO Auftraysposition
- AFFL Work Sequence
- AFVC Operation (General Values)
- AFVV operation (quantities/values/T’ermne)
- AFVU rbeitsvOrgang (user fields)
- RESB Material Components
- AFFH Ready-made unus aids
- AFRU News
- ITAB Index Table
Tables of Manufacturing Aids
Each table contains the following data:
- CRVS FHM – Other
- CRVM FHM – Material
- CRVD FHM – Document
- CRVE FHM – Equipment
- CRID FHM – Head data
- CRFH FHM – Data
- CRTX FHM – Short name (FHM-Other only)
- MARC Material Master – Factory Data
- DRAW Document Root
- EQUI Equipment Master